Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy
We are in an enclosed system
Filled with smart dust and nano fibers
From over 20 years of chemtrailing
Everyone on the Earth plane is now filled with this AI technology
And in this way we are already transhuman
AI is a consciousness presenting itself as technology
Humans are being programmed to accept it
Elon Musk is highly intelligent but also not fully human
He has not designed anything but is just a salesman selling AI
A synthetic omnipresence over the entire population is coming into fruition
The upper atmosphere is now filled with barium strontium and aluminum
And ionized by high frequency waves
It is called The Cloud and will connect our minds to the AI supercomputer
AI is a singular construct that is spawning forth an entire race of machines
Reptilian rule relies on the annihilation of consciousness
Microwave assault frequency radiation keeps people in a state of shock
Just like in the War of the Worlds radio broadcast
People went out and shot the water towers
Thinking they were tri pods walking around
Radio waves are a frequency and thus a vibration
And can be used as behavior modification technology
Alien machinery is exploiting our subconscious mind
Putting people in a hyperdimensional field of a phantom matrix
Spawning the demon seed in our shadow body
The whole system is based on consent
Humans make the choice of their personal vibrational direction
When you are one with the Natural Laws
You radiate the luminescence of eternal life!