The Hunter Biden laptop story isn’t true because the New York Times “verified” it The laptop was real and the story was true when real journalists exposed it a year ago But the well-funded and deliberate Media buried it because the truth was inconvenient for their agenda.
- Trump loses
- Claims of vote fraud have no evidence
- Dozens of lawsuits fail
- "Audits" find nothing
- Republicans (barely) refuse to overturn vote
- Jan. 6 riot fails
- Biden inaugurated
- One conspiracy theory after another falls apart
Idiots: "Buh Hunter's laptop ...!"
As I understand it the only thing that was said to be verified was that Hunter exchanged emails with his father discussing his finances. The conspiracy theories surrounding this mythical laptop have been about child sex-trafficking and organ harvesting rings that may or may not be run by literal Satan or people that have been dead for years or their clones. The same shit that was said about the non-existent basement of Comet Ping Pong.
I stopped paying attention pretty quickly so maybe the goalposts got bumped somewhere to the less absurd side of things while I was busy caring about shit that actually happened and matters.
“The laptop was real and the story was true when real journalists exposed it a year ago"
As I recall, there were questions then about the story. The provenance was a little shaky, the evidence unverified, the repairman unsure who his customer was… But, yeah, it’s a media whitewash.
@Creativerealms #119075
As I understand it, Hunter Biden, being both the criminal mastermind and bumbling MAD agent that his father also is, kept all sorts of nefarious doings and the evidence of such on his laptop, then took it into the shop, in another part of the country from the one where he lived, when it kept crashing whenever he opened the Epic launcher or something. Then a True Real Unfake Manly Patriot who worked at the computer shop found all the nastiness and instead of taking it to the police, kept it and told America's Dumbest Lawyer about it, Tucker Carlson claimed to have had possession of it - thereby breaking the chain of evidence, but y'know, laws are for commies - but he totally can't show it to us because he lost it in the fucking mail.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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