Barbara Hendrix #fundie #homophobia
Some are gone so far into the darkness of sin that their conscience has been seared to the extent that they actually believe that wrong is right and right is wrong. If a man has nor lost his natural ability to reason, he instinctively knows that anal sex is wrong, but if he has indulged in that sexual perversion and has developed a desire to express himself sexually in an uncivilized manner, and becomes addicted to that behavior, he then experiences, unbeknownst to himself, the loss of his innate ability to reason, which is the punishment for his detestable sin.
Consequently, what once was wrong from his perspective, then becomes right because it is what he desires to do, and has grown accustomed to doing, so he justifies and redefines his sin as an alternative lifestyle, and does everything in his power to cause its
proliferation, and its general acceptance by societies at large. Rather than to repent of his gross sin, the defiant, disobedient homosexual attempts to change the worldview of his sin. So confident he is in his new position of rebellion against the Word of God, which he has to invalidate as irrelevant or call archaic, or some such notion in order to continue to believe the lie about the nature of his homosexuality.
He does not want to call anal and oral sex sin because sin is wrong and requires repentance, consequently, anal and oral sex, according
to his way of thinking, is no longer sin, therefore there is no need for repentance.
Thus we have the definition of a reprobate mind, a sinner who would rather make void the Holy Bible in order to accommodate the sin of
homosexuality, instead of simply repenting for what he or she innately know is wrong. 'l •heir redefinition of sin prevails, at least in their twisted mind it does, until they step over into the land of judgment where I dwell, then all pretenses and lies will come to naught in the light of my holy presence.
Homosexuals perpetrate the ultimate perversion; the consequence of their refusal to accept the truth that I am their God, their Father, and their Creator and as such my will is supreme. Therefore they will reap the harvest of the seeds of destruction that they have sown so callously and haphazardly; the abuse and misuse of their own bodies. Their rational minds are gone, having lost the ability to reason, thus they are not even remotely aware of their true condition, which is the price of sin; spiritual death that leads to eternal damnation, an exchange of fathers; from the Father of light, who I am, to the father of darkness, otherwise known as Satan, the illegitimate father of those who have fallen into the deep abyss of sin.