(submitter’s note: someone doesn’t like that I posted his defense of artists who made pedo-pandering work!)
Just want to say this first but I hope you all know the drill! Don’t attack ANY of these people, if any of you do then I will condemn it! To the people I’m responding to, please consider making a DA account and talk to me. I don’t shut off my comments hell you can talk to me in notes and it will be private, I promise you. Niam2020...the asshole who called me a fucking pedo! It’s one thing to call me sexist, racist or any of your fucking buzzwords but calling me a fucking pedo is way over the fucking line so go fuck yourself, you scum fuck! You are fucking garbage! I would never stoop so low to call someone a pedo just because I disagree with them so fuck you! If you’re not going to give me the same kind of decency then I don’t give a fuck what happens to you! GO DIE IN A FUCKING HOLE!
So I just found out the shit I say has been quoted and responded to by people in this site called fstdt.com and they seem to really love me! Here are some comments! This is from a journal I made about Patreon going up in flames because they got woke and are now going broke
and look at these tags
Tell me where in my journal am I being a pedo? People like this like to use words without knowing what they mean! It’s only a matter of time before SJWS run out of names to call people because words like sexist, nazi, homophobic etc etc are losing their meaning because of people like this. Also I love how they didn’t put the link to the video I put in my journal. Hmmmmmmmm~why tho?
How am I sexist? Or a psycho or a wing nut? I’m calling out how so many people are all for “Believe all women no matter what” but when it comes to Biden he’s protected! Shouldn’t he have been cancelled the minute he was smelling and touching women and little girls so inappropriately? I mean, what’s the point of protecting Biden? He obviously can’t beat Trump! Again, how does this post make me a wing nut, psycho, sexist? Hell there are far left people going crazy because they don’t want to vote for Biden.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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