Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #crackpot

[From "Will you still fight, even if you are destined to lose?"]

Very Few Men in this world, except for Germans have ever had the guts to Fight Wars, even with the knowledge or reality that the likelihood to lose is
There are very few people left in this world who fight with Honor, because essentially brotherhood between Men has become largely a thing of the past after World War II
Due to the influence of Christianity and especially the vast influence of New Age philosophies, the majority of Humans are subject to Magical Thinking and being paid Lip Service in order to get them willing to fight
The US National Guard has been on standby for many months ready to quell any serious form of National Unrest that may suddenly show up, but told to “stand down” when the real enemies like Antifa Activists and other Communist Trash does what they do
However the real event the USNG is waiting for[…]is when the real Hyperinflation arises
In Europe[…]the forces there view it as fun and entertainment to get to have their way in these countries, whether it be Germany, Italy, France, Spain or elsewhere
People have been properly primed for 2 years to understand “staying in their home” and “isolating from others” and expecting to have permission for “who they can see and who they cannot see”
For those who comply in this new system, they will be told even if and when they can go to work when they leave house for the day. This is the future, at any rate, that the NWO Agents have in store for how daily conditions are run
Almost all Western people in some form or another will become subjected to Military Dictatorship in an even more extreme form that ever took place under any typical Dictatorship of other Examples
The likelihood of World War III taking place in the hot form, is also coming close to a reality as the tensions build up



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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