[On why masturbation is a sin...]
The Bible clearly teaches homosexuality is a sin. The reason homosexuality is a sin is because God created sex between a man and a woman. Since man was not intended to give sexual pleasure to a another man, it is sin. But it is sin for a man to give sexual pleasure to another man, why would it be acceptable for a man to give sexual pleasure to himself?
Please excuse my graphical illustration here, but I think it is needed to make a point. Why would it be wrong for a man to take his hand and give me sexual pleasure with his hand, and yet it be OK for me to use my own hand to give myself sexual pleasure??? In both cases, the hand that is giving me sexual pleasure would be a man's hand!
First, it's not wrong. If you're wired that way, you're wired that way, and your book of ancient fairy tales won't change that.
Second, the Bible doesn't say anything about masturbation? Really? Dude, my priests lied to me for years! And people wondered why I was so uptight throughout most of my teenage years.
Why would it be wrong for a man to take his hand and give me sexual pleasure with his hand
You appear to have done some thinking about this.
And washing your nuts in the shower would be just like a MAN washing your nuts in the shower, and wiping your ass would be just like...aw fuckit, you're awfully messed up. Go lie down, err wait, that would be like 'lying with a man' to you, wouldn't it?
Well, just a question, it´s not just THE HAND, they have a woman in mind while doing it, don´t you realise?. Besides, if God didn´t want a man giving or receiving pleasure from another man, why men can experience an erection with elements in which there are no women involved?(temperature changes, for example). And let´s forget impotent men or those who have problems to experience orgasm. Listen, the only reason why homosexuality was a sin in the Bible is that, at the time, the only concern was REPRODUCTION, hence the prohibition. Period. Don´t look rationalisations that don´t exist.
John Wayne Gacy used the same excuse for abusing teanage boys.
He argued that everyones first sexual experiences were solo and therefore gay so we are all essentially gay.
Right before he drugged, tortured, raped and killed them.
Don't worry... according to Time Trumpet , sometime in the future, people will look down on us for masturbating with our hands. We'll obviously be masturbating ourselves with far more advanced techniques.
"Why would it be wrong for a man to take his hand and give me sexual pleasure with his hand, and yet it be OK for me to use my own hand to give myself sexual pleasure???"
Well, by the same "logic," why would it be OK to receive pleasure from the hand of a woman?
First, prove that sin is bad.
Then, prove homosexuality is a sin.
Then, prove that it is a sin because of giving sexual pleasure and not because of having sex.
Then, prove that it is the same if you give sexual pleasure to yourself than if someone else does.
Then, come back so that I can ridicule you even more.
God obviously wants men to masterbate, as he designed the hand to so perfectly fit around the penis...
I tell you... that's one argument for ID Ray and Kurt will never use.
:edit: Come to think about it, since the anus and mouth perfectly fit the size and shape of the penis, God must want us to have oral and anal sex too...
YOU stupid ass every living creature masturbates,Dog lick their balls or hump legs ,cats knead themselves in to a sexual frenzy bear monkeys elephants juvenile chimpanzees do it 20 time a day (lucky them huh)lazy sloths even find time to do it all living warm blooded creatures do it and you know who eles does it . that right ,even sexual frustrated tight ass fundie like yourself do it... .(except you all lie about it ).
I knew a guy in college who used to say that masturbation was wrong because, since each of us gets 50% of our DNA from each parent, if you masturbate, you're having sex with your parents. :)
Just an observation. Please continue.
I love this whole, "you're evil cause the Bible says so!!".
I guess brainwashing isn't so great after all...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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