Nulono #wingnut

For all their talk of "choice", pro-aborts love to ignore women's agency in the process.

They'll talk about abortion laws "forcing" women to have back-alley abortions, ignoring that the women in question chose to pursue dangerous abortions.
They say shit like "if an abortion will get you life in prison, you might as well kill your rapist" as if aborting a baby is just an inevitability the woman has no control over.
They call punishments for abortion "punishing women for having sex" as though the woman had no part in the abortion past having sex.
Likewise, they'll claim that the father should also be held responsible for the abortion because he got her pregnant, ignoring that they explicitly want him to have zero say in the matter.

For pro-aborts, abortion is 100% a woman's choice, until the topic turns to responsibility for the aftermath, at which point abortion is just a force of nature that women have no control over.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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