Various commenters #wingnut #racist

Ilhan Omar Uses Her One Phone Call From Jail To Call Both Her Husband And Her Brother


@TheBabylonBee jihadist lying slut...strikes again.
BTW...lying is a sacrament in islam.

@TheBabylonBee Remember, the only good terrorist is one speaking to the Pedophile, Child Rapist and Pig Fucker Mohammad and Allah the bitches of the Cult of Filth called Islam.

@TheBabylonBee They should have put these demratz in jail next to the Jan 6th that's funnyšŸ˜

@TheBabylonBee Omar is a disgusting p.o.s. who should be immediately returned to Somalia, WHERE SHE BELONGS!

@TheBabylonBee Muslim Whore, Pig, Cunt and Brother Fucker and Shit out the Ass of Mohammad the Pedophile Breeder.

@TheBabylonBee Send that slut back to whatever Muslim shit hole she crawled out of.

@TheBabylonBee Muslim Pig Bred Whore and Brother Fucker and Breeder Terrorist Scumā€¦..OMAR.

@TheBabylonBee Ilhan Omar is a ho. And a heretic. And a blasphemer, and a woman, and a black, and a foreigner...

@TheBabylonBee Hey jews we see you raping our children and murdering replacing us and stealing our country
Millions and millions and millions and millions our eyes across every white nation

Secrets out
Does this comfort you



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