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Dekulakization of the Unvaccinated
The definition of both the Kulaks and the Unvaccinated was changed over time and the result of these changes led to more people being included in these two groups, allowing the state to exercise their authority over more people
Kulak originally meant;
Before the revolution:
Peasants who owned over 8 acres of land
After the Bolshevik revolution:
Peasants who withheld grain from the Bolsheviks and who owned property who didn't ally with the Bolsheviks
During Stalin's Five-Year plan:
Peasants who owned a couple of cows or had given or six acres more than their neighbors
Later kulak was defined as:
Any peasant who does not sell all his grain to the Soviet state. Peasants who were unwilling to join collective farms had to be ''annihilated as a class''
In the end, Kulak lost its original definition entirely which was originally connected to an 'economic status'. People branded as kulaks had been deprived so much by the Soviet state that they were poorer than what was classified as a poor peasant back then and were way poorer than the urban residents. This is what heavily attributed to the Holodomor as Ukrainians were branded as Kulaks
The definition kept changing to include more and more people to the point where anyone could be kulak
Sorta like Unvaccinated is losing its meaning more and more over time as people with 2 doses are starting to become classified as 'unvaccinated' because of the introduction of the third dose
Kulaks were put under restrictions[…]same with the Unvaccinated. An intern passport was used to enforce such restrictions and to help find out who and who was not a Kulak, the same function being used against the Unvaccinated
People not deemed as Kulaks were not allowed to show sympathy with the Kulaks[…]or they would be branded as subkulaks. Similar to today with people disagreeing with vaccine mandates being branded as 'anti-vaxxers'