hufflepuff-poet & Jessica91 #transphobia

( hufflepuff-poet )

I'm not going to say the TRA grooming is abuse on par with CSA or other things that evil people do to children but

I think TRA grooming is on par with CSA and should be punished and ostracized and safeguarded against just like we safeguard against CSA. The movement promotes kid's dissociating from their bodies, especially their genitalia, isolates them from adults who want to protect them, and tells kid's that they only have one path to happiness and anything less will leave them suicidal; that their lives are only worth something if they can conform to the cult.

Just because TRAs aren't actively molesting and raping kids doesn't mean their actions don't have the same impact on kids. They are grooming kids for a lifetime of pain and suffering and disconnection from their sexual selves and prepping them for actual predators to easily take advantage of them. This is a predator rights movement and their main targets are children and women, especially lesbians.

( Jessica91 )
Also how many of us are in these TRA spaces?

Maybe I’m an old lady but back in the days of MySpace we were seriously warned about predators on the internet. There were guides and that to help us spot them. But all that seems out the window now and kids seem to have free reign access to the internet and adults free reign access to the kids.

I was so dumb back then I didn’t even know how to delete my internet history.

But these people are accessing kids and grooming them with their propaganda, if they’re doing that then it’s not at all out of the realm of possibility there’s sexual abusive involved especially with the heavy focus that TRA has on genitals and dysphoria. The way that they go about grooming both adults and children into trans ideology, it’s not far removed that they’d also be convincing children to send photographs, have web chats, sending extreme pornography or child pornography to them…



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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