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[Serious] The female equivalent of Inceldom is hardcore Feminism

Every single one of these larping black lives matter videos I see is filled with massively unattractive women telling the black cucks what to burn and this also happens to be a description of its female founders. These bitches in general DO NOT care about rape or misogyny or objectification or any of that other dogshit that they make up because they allow, condone and endorse it when it's done by people they are fucking aligned with. They just want to see men suffer so will come up with any reason to throw shit their way.

Why would these women want to see men suffer? Because their whole fucking biology is geared towards wanting to settle and reproduce with a chad and chad only. This multiplied by the "you go girl", mentality that the media, social media and dating apps drills into them explodes their self worth and when they realise that yet another Chad has called an Uber seconds before he even came on her cheeks and never speaks to her again afterwards shatters this reality. Then she realises her whole life purpose of securing a Chad like the Stacies can will never be a reality

The next choice is either betabux or hardcore feminism about imaginary social issues...always relating to men of course. THIS is the cause of all of the child killing and death and unrest in the world right now. Feminism. And the leading cause of feminism is female ugliness. The only solution is for women to either lower their standards or STOP BEING UGLY. They are always talking about us to self improve but that is what we need to secure a stable society - cancel out unattractive females.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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