robTHEassyrian #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Did you ever wonder what the Bible meant when it said firmament? Of course they meant the limitless sky and countless stars, right? How did they get there? God put them there and they give energy to the universe.
Maybe there’s a source of energy in the earth from below ground and can be tapped in this way. What else is below ground - the demons God put there in the days of old. What if this energy is really the anger and frustration of those trapped demons? Is it limitless - maybe so.
You see, the Annunaki are nomadic evil doers disrupting the peace of the universe, sanctioned by God to create the new experiences He desires. Imagine knowing all, so He craves new experiences. Which is why we were created in His image. Letting the Annunaki float around the universe creating trouble and disrupting things makes things happen, possibly that which hasn’t happened before. Which is why humans are sacred beings, we are metal, the Annunaki are the forge.
The Annunaki figured out a long time ago that energy resides in material objects, the bigger the better. And since earth contained stuff they needed - gold, humans for experimentation and food, stones for making energy rods - they ended up here. To tap the unlimited energy source they built four sided structures, the pyramids of Egypt being an example. Processing that energy is yet to be discovered but when it is, humankind will have a choice: do we become Annunaki and fly around the universe as parasites and abandon our humanity or just use the Annunaki experience to learn what evil is so as to avoid it.

I believe some humans will become Annunaki - some already are, as those senior members of the WEF are, but most humans appreciate humanity and will remain humans but with the foreknowledge of approaching Annunaki so as to eliminate or expel them from humanity’s future. Energy is more than power, it’s ethereal.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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