epillepsy #racist #sexist incels.is

Holy shit @epillepsy you got screenshotted just for commenting "High IQ" to OP's post :feelskek:

CuckTears strikes again.

Nah, I wrote some other stuff too.
They think I'm white, which is why they're accusing me of racism.

Not sure about the "they think I'm white, which is why they're accusing me or racism" part. They'd accuse you of self hating and racism toward females of your own race even if they knew you weren't white.
That's how lopsided those cucks are.

well my hypothesis is that when they read "racial purity," they assume it must be a "white supremacist" saying it because of their ingrained racism.
it shows how racist they are (and not me) that they default to thinking whites are superior and the only race that has advocates for it to be pure.
unlike them, i don't think whites are superior to east asians except in terms of noodlewhore valuation for mating.
all the best media comes from asia, the best writer as well.
so i would say they're the racist ones instead of me, since i want east asians to not go extinct, whereas they tacitly do.



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