I know many of you are mutts and don't know it any better so bare with me.
Basically the logic is like this:
You like what looks like you. You trust what looks like you.
You are less likely to harm something that looks like you.
Because of this crime will always be high in regions with multiculturalism and low in homogenous societies like Japan.
Why is multiculturalism pushed so hard? Because a population that is divided is easier to control. Beings that are similar can unite and become a real power. Beings that aren't can't. Just look at fucking prisons.
nothing to disagree with there
globalism drives up male competition for women all over the world, at its worst you can get rejected by the girl next door for a man at the other side of the globe because he's 1% more attractive
Exactly. You are supposed to be as athlethic as a black person, as smart as a jew, as industrious as an asian and as aggressive as an arab.
But it's fucking impossible to meet these high standards.
For example: Your granddad was pretty atlethic in his small village, therefore 5 foids wanted him and he chose your grandmother. But because today we are constantly exposed to people who are ABSURDLY athlethic on social media and because multiculturalism drove up competition so fucking high (your granddad didn't have to compete with blacks) his atlethicism would be seen as mediocre today. You literally have to look like a roid freak for anyone to even believe you lift. Because all hollywood jews are roided, women believe that's what a strong guy looks like.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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