sorebum405 #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #sexist #wingnut

RE: A new study showing that feminist men suffer from impotency.

A new study published on February 1st 2022, titled, Men's Feminist Identification and Reported Use of Prescription Erectile Dysfunction Medication, shows that "Feminist-identified men were substantially more likely to report erectile dysfunction medication (EDM) use than non-feminist men, even after controlling for alcohol use before sex, erection difficulties, sexual arousal, sexual health, mental health, and physical health."

The authors try their best to avoid stating the obvious explanation and conclusion (and for understandable reasons: As reported numerous times, science has been placed under strict and harsh feminist censorship in recent years, and the authors will be risking their careers if they'll attempt to provide an honest discussion of their results).

Wow, this was very interesting I never even thought of this. It's very true that male sexuality is demonized in today's society. This made me think of something. There were two studies done in 1978 and 1982 were average looking men and women asked opposite sex strangers if they wanted to have sex. The results showed that 0% of women agreed to have sex, while about 70% of men agreed to have sex. Then in 2015 there was a social experiment done were an attractive woman asked 100 guys for sex, but this time only 30% of the men agreed to have sex with her. I can't definitively say what caused this disparity, but now I think feminism may actually be a very plausible explanation. I think a lot more men now feel like their sexual attention is unwanted,and as a result they may be more likely to think that a woman coming up to them,and asking for sex is a scam, or a setup and will decline the offer. That's just my guess, but one thing I know for sure is that men should be able to express their sexuality, and not feel like these there sexuality is unwanted and predatory. I wonder if sex dolls are the solution.



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