We have entered a new cycle during the shift from Capricorn to Aquarian alchemical law which has begun aggressive dismantling of assorted alien machinery in the planetary body that is specific to the genetic cataloguing and genetic harvesting of angelic human body parts that are utilized in galactic human trafficking and gender reversal technologies used by non-human invaders. This stage of spiritual warfare will be especially heightened between now and the anchoring of new Eukachristic instruction sets from Harmonic Universe 6 being set into the planetary dark matter templates which appears to anchor in the Albion Lightbody on February 22, 2022.
The point of this missive is to be aware that significant physical changes will be and are incoming to upgrade angelic human solar blood, body parts and bodily fluids to repel and neutralize assorted nano-related and electromagnetic technological attacks. For some, the physical ascension related symptoms may be felt as extreme, such as experiencing the phantom ego death levels..
Guardian Host calls this a Failsafe level of new Krystic organic architecture upgrades coming in right now from Cosmic Source Domain. In military terms, this is akin to describing spiritual warfare escalating to Failsafe levels as a Defcon alert. They pointed out to be aware of several upcoming potential false flags or world events that are currently showing up in the timelines as NAA manipulated Armageddon programs, in which organized prayer groups along with their combined efforts are quietly neutralizing. The anti-Christ entities cannot see this particular organic Krystic architecture being put in place as it is out of their perceptual reach. There is an ongoing process of flushing out underground nests of assorted non-human forces such as dragon moth entities and their military worker hierarchies that administer to an extensive 11D Typhon Tunnel structure in Ukraine, which further connects underground into several countries.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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