Tim Tony Stark Rifat #god-complex #magick #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #mammon sublimegood.com
Psychic Warfare is not a knowledge dependant endeavour but one of energy enabling psychic outcomes, identical to the real world dominated by money. Money = energy = ability to change reality or protected reality. This energy is called Chi, Prana, Kundalini, Odic Force, Bioplasm, Soul Fluid, Orgone…: it is not all the same. As a Psychic Warfare expert one knows energy has a frequency, wavelength, amplitude, carries information, travels in the 5th dimension, all of which have differing effects on organisms subliming energy to use the toxic energy for Psychic Warfare inevitably leaves Sublime Energy; totally positive rejuvenating, vitality in the psychic attacker as the targets becomes ill and old. It is a zero sum game. So one can see Tim Rifat’s worldwide business of Psychic Warfare.com®, training people how to use toxic energy to get super powers has left him with vast oceans of Sublime Good energy: The Light Side of the Force. His body can only use so much Sublime Good before it burns with The Fire From Within or becomes a Dr Manhattan body (Watchmen Film).
As Tim Rifat made a Luciferic contract to gain Total Power over the Luciferic Force in return for marriage to the Illuminati Queen Witch to produce the ultimate Illuminati Bloodline, he is blocked from transcending and using all the Sublime Good of the human race for his post human God body until she FUBARS by marriage or getting pregnant to a normal human hamster. So one can see Tim Rifat has had to use this Sublime Good elsewhere; in this case, building the Sublime Good Realm in Psi-space. This is why he calls himself the Psi-Lord and his holding company is called Psi-Lord Limited. Tim Rifat like any explorer has found new territory in Psi-space like any settler used Psychic Warfare (advanced weaponry) to kill, drive off the indigenous population like any property developer to build vast new developments in these new lands. Every one of his websites RV Science.com; Supernatural Spirit.com; Psychic Warfare.com has a commitment realm in Psi-space where everything in the websites really exists. Tim Rifat got the idea to colonise develop Psi-space from Carlos Castaneda’s Art of Dreaming. To make the manifold of Psi-space conform to intent, building and anything you like so it becomes real in Psi-space, so you can enter Psi-space and live in your actual intended visualisation, is an ancient technology developed by the sorcerers of Central, South America over 10,000 years ago. 10,000 years on, Tim Rifat used the scientific and mathematical advances of the 20th Century to colonise, conquer Psi-space.
Next came the use of Psi contracts to control the so called real world. How is this done? The same way Psi-entities possess, control and feed off, kill humans; the demon enters the body of the victim and has real world effects on the possessed (See The Exorcist). Tim Rifat scoured through Roger Penrose’s: Road to Reality, a condensate of mathematical Physics, written by the Professor to enable a genius to produce at theory of reality. So instead of spending years in University libraries, Tim Rifat could use this textbook to build a theory of Psychic Warfare, weaponise US, Russian Psychic Warfare research and produce the Psychic Warfare programmes every major nation is now embarking on. Why? To build the customer base for his psychic protection business. Ten years from now 87% of all A-listers will be killed by Psychic Warfare, the other 13% will pay Tim Rifat for psychic protection. If you find this unbelievable, Tim Rifat predicted more than 15 years ago that Cobalt 60 world, North Korea being able to destroy the US with Cobalt 60 derived from H bombs on ICBMs would be fact. As well as Chad world, the West being flooded by immigrants and becoming like Chad a basket case. As the only precognitive remote viewer, Tim Rifat sets the future by being the observer that chooses it; a ramification of the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. He is now predicting Psychic Warfare world where A-listers, the elite such as the Rothschilds who own the planet are slaughters like dogs by Psi-space weapons designed by Tim Rifat or they pay North Korea, Russian psi-trolls… in cyber currency to stay alive.