Jared Taylor #racist #wingnut amren.com
We Don’t Have a Gun Problem. We Have a Race Problem.
Here are CDC data on the 19,384 people who were shot to death in 2020, broken out by race.
Blacks accounted for 12,048 of them, even though blacks were only 14 percent of the population. And look over at the right, or deaths per 100,000. The figure of 25.5 for blacks is nearly 10 times the rate for whites, which is 2.7.
Could it be that white racists are killing all those black people? No. 566 blacks killed whites (including Hispanics), but only 246 whites and Hispanics killed blacks.
Since there are about 6-1/2 times as many whites and Hispanics as black, it means a black person is more likely to kill a white or a Hispanic by such a shockingly high multiple, I won’t even tell you what it is.
Let’s look at the really big picture. This graph shows homicide rates for different countries plotted against private ownership of firearms.
The US is way out on the right, with lots of guns. But the total homicide rate is pulled up by the very high black total homicide rate of 29.2. Blacks are committing murder at Latin American rates, right up there with Brazil and Mexico, which are over to the left with low gun ownership. For whites alone, the total homicide rate of 3.12 is definitely higher than a lot of European countries but it’s not off the charts.
Which has a bigger impact on a country’s murder rates? The number of guns or the people who live there?
What are the chances *any* of this gets any official notice in all the yackety yack about gun control? Zero. This little talk of mine would make good Congressional testimony, but politicians don’t dare talk about race – well, except maybe for this guy: “Blake Masters Blames Gun Violence on ‘Black People, Frankly.”
Note “Master Race” stamped under the headline. Tell the truth and you’re a Nazi.