Lisa Renee #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut #transphobia #homophobia #fundie

Many people still believe that the current state of world suffering, poverty, disease and violence was created accidentally, and that what we see today in the globalscape was the organic evolution of humanity since the industrial age. This is inaccurate. The Power Elite families have methodically and patiently grown their global agenda through specific objectives, which they sought to create through the use of Social Engineering and hidden technological Mind Control, along with gaining surveillance over our every move. Let’s review a brief summation of these goals.

Main Goals of Controllers

-Before and during World War II, the Black Suns promoted German idealism into mind control via their Social Engineering experiments designed by their German academic counterparts that were the most revered and famous philosophers during that time. These guys were Black Suns connected to the Bavarian illuminati and were used to infiltrate the most prestigious academic institutions worldwide with deliberate misinformation that would eventually be spread as the standard curriculum in most colleges. Many of these social engineering programs got their start from the Institute for Social Research, Frankfurt School, which was used by the Black Suns and practicing Satanists to endorse and spread a faux communist ideology that was really designed as a eugenics program. This Black Sun flavor of social engineering experimentation is being used aggressively today to target prestigious academic institutions throughout the United States, with the hidden agenda to attempt to destroy the American Constitution in favor of Socialism or Communism, in order to rapidly enforce the globalist agenda for instituting the New World Order.
-Intentionally directing Social Engineering and mind control programming to dehumanize and demoralize the earth population, by denying them their basic rights to fundamental human needs and to generate depravity through increasing criminal behaviors, traumatic addiction, suicides and growing the homeless population. This includes propaganda to spread spiritually abusive behaviors as socially acceptable in the death culture, like legalized drugs, killing others, pornography and prostitution that are distractions from becoming aware that the earth is being used as a prison farm for creating more loosh for the predatorial parasites.
-Promote spiritual abuse and the rejection of God by spreading the anti-soul or anti-Christ religions and their related practices that destroy the inner spirit or inner Christ connection, that exists inside every angelic human being that is incarnated on the planet. Spread violent religions, and replace the ancient Christos Essene Gnostic teachings and call it Luciferianism.
Transhumanism and Transgenderism are used to further promote the death culture’s intended agenda to destroy the heart and Soul, the compassionate and empathic divine human being, through the intended annihilation of the true essence of both the Masculine and Feminine. In order to disrupt or destroy the unifying potential of the androgynous lightbody in the DNA of the human being, the first directive would be to attack the inner and outer gender principle in all ways possible. The NAA promote counterfeit creations through inciting confusion in the death process, obliterate the knowledge of the Lightbody and Soul, spin confusion in sexual conduct and concepts of marriage and children, instill gender confusion in expected roles, and then start to blend human bodies with animals and machines.
-Child Abuse and Child Sacrifice is an Archontic Deception Strategy of the NAA. The NAA and Satanists prefer to use children as targets in order to harvest negative emotional energy or Loosh, and as a result, child abuse, child sex slavery, child porn, child organ harvesting and child sacrifice are immensely profitable for those in the criminal network.
-The mind control used for gender reversal distortions are the most traumatizing, from painful memories existing between men and women being forced to abuse each other, over and over. These gender distortions have been used to propagate some of the deepest levels of spiritual abuse, Sexual Misery and personal torture that could occur to a race of beings. True spiritual marriage as a part of natural biological spiritual Ascension was stolen from humanity through the NAA alien invasion, and the pain of that theft and the emotional abuse has damaged many people’s hearts.
-Human Trafficking is the sale or barter for humans into slavery by other humans and non-humans. This is a massive epidemic on planet earth, and it also exists off planet earth and is referred to as Galactic Human Slavery. Generally, a person is culled for certain purposes and then abducted, captured from their families and sold or bartered for many purposes including manual slave labor, sex trade, engineering, and manufacturing. The person is mind controlled under a system of threats, intimidation and torture to remain compliant and submissive to the acts they are forced to perform for their handlers, who may be human or non-human entities. In poverty stricken third world countries, or during mass migration of refugees, children are grabbed from inattentive parents or offered a few hundred dollars to take their child. This level of human trafficking brings in many hundreds of thousands of people per year into the slave trade both on and off planet.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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