rcrngroup #racist freerepublic.com

Lincoln did not start the war. The rebs did. The secessionists were nothing more than glorified outlaws.

That is a bogus, political leftist-liberal-revisionist view of the South, as the South had more dignified statesmen and military leaders than the North ever had!!! They were anything BUT glorified outlaws!!!

The more I see how Obooombi socialist-fascist-communist usurper is taking down our nation day by day, the more I kind of wish the "secessionists" had prevailed 150 yrs ago or so.

We may end with our own version of "secession" if Obooombi continues to destroy & decimate our formerly great USA (or as Oboooombi thinks of it as the USSA)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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