Lincoln did not start the war. The rebs did. The secessionists were nothing more than glorified outlaws.
That is a bogus, political leftist-liberal-revisionist view of the South, as the South had more dignified statesmen and military leaders than the North ever had!!! They were anything BUT glorified outlaws!!!
The more I see how Obooombi socialist-fascist-communist usurper is taking down our nation day by day, the more I kind of wish the "secessionists" had prevailed 150 yrs ago or so.
We may end with our own version of "secession" if Obooombi continues to destroy & decimate our formerly great USA (or as Oboooombi thinks of it as the USSA)
"Lincoln did not start the war."
You mean the American civil war?
If so you are right.
"The rebs did."
Ok, And your point is?
"The secessionists were nothing more than glorified outlaws"
A matter of oppinion.
They had a grivance, They could have negotiated, instead they resorted to war.
I would call them stupid.
The rest of your post is word salad.
The South had a number of excellent military commanders, it's true; but their record of political astuteness is pretty sorry.
And if they had more of each than the North ever had, how come the South got its ass kicked?
You'd like to not only forget who won, but try for a rerun? Be my fucking guest, and we'll watch you go down in flames yet again.
If only... IF ONLY the Freeper had stopped at the first paragraph. Does anyone here still think they aren't Neo-Nazis?
As for secession... JUST TRY IT BUB! The U.S. military will kick your racist, bigoted ass!
Yes, you would be right about who did and didn't start the Civil War if you didn't dismiss it as some kind of "liberal-esque propaganda".
Granted the Confederacy, like what Lucilius said, did have very good, experienced officers in their military. They also had a very distinct and unique culture, but it was a culture that included and endorsed the inhumane institution of slavery.
Socialist, fascist, and communist are completely different and are incompatible to one another.
By the way, the United States of America never recognized the Confederate States of America, and neither did any other country in the world at that time.
In conclusion, I leave these last two sayings I have heard numerous times in my life:
The winners of war write the history.
Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat.
If so, why did they lose the war?, maybe because their monocultivation system, the reason why they wanted to keep slavery?
Um, the rebels DID start the war. Remember Ft. Sumter?
And when are you stupid rednecks ever going to give up the idea that the South will somehow rise again? It ain't ever going to happen. But really, though, if they wanted to, I'd let Alabama secede only if all the right-wing bible thumpers in the country would move there and make it their glorified Christian theocracy they so desperately crave.
At this point in modern history, I'd be glad if the NeoCon bigots & fundies would seceed from the rest of the USA. Gather them up in a big chunk of the deep South, create Jeebusland & let the rest of the good ol' US of A continue to exist in the truly All-American, Progressive, Secular Government, Melting-Pot, E Pluribus Unum Way....without these idiots puting a moneywrench in "The Great Experiment".
I don't see why this is in RSTDT, apart from the "Obooombi" bit. But folks conjure up names like "Dubya", "The Shrub", "Raygun", "Slick Willie"....
I have the list right here:
Barack NOjoba (yes... That's what they called him)
The rest was just regular run of the mill racist terms. Still... Anyone who is mad that slavery has ended has the mentality of a child, no matter how many degrees he or she has obtained
Well, I guess that the reason it comes off as racist is because to say that you wish the South prevailed is the same as saying you wish that Nazi Germany prevailed.
Even if you try to claim that you didn't mean slavery or the holocaust in it, you really can't have one (Southern/Nazi victory) without the other (Slavery/Holocaust).
Lincoln had stressed he had no intention of ending slavery, just preventing its spread. He even suggested that he would agree to guarantee the right for southern states to allow slavery in order to keep the Union together.
But the South tried to secede anyway. We can thank the rebels for ending slavery. If they hadn't seceded it wouldn't have ended(not right then anyways).
D Laurier: Near as I can tell, the first line is either directly quoting (in a bloody stupid way, because typically quoting is formatted differently or at least has quotation marks) or representing a point of view opposite to the racist's. Hence why it's truer and makes more sense than his own word salad.
Lincoln may have said he didn't intend to end slavery, but did he mean it?
Lincoln was trying to get elected and hold the union together. Going full-on against slavery would not have gotten him either. So he spoke of stopping the spread, but leaving the slave states alone. What he would have done if the Civil War hadn't started is open to debate and wild speculation.
Oh man, they're threatening to repeat history by seceding again.
If history repeats itself, we'll just beat the shit out of the South so hard they'll go crying home to their moms/sisters.
Wait, it's the south, moms and sisters are interchangeable.
Sorry, I can't hear you through all the stupid.
Seriously, can he spell anything right?
@ Doubting Thomas:
They've been trying like hell to secede but just can't make it happen.
Behold, Christian Exodus
The reason: they want to start by taking over small areas, turning them into a theocracy, then spreading their sickness elsewhere. Think small communities full of fundies eventually gathering in sufficient number to invade your neighborhood. It hasn't happened and I'd lay odds it never will, but it's still an unsettling thought.
I find it outragious they call Obama a fascist.
Yup, the Nazis and Musolinni's fascists had MANY black officer in charge. In fact Hitler himself was black.
Wasn't that a song from The Music Man?
Oh, no, that was Shipoopi...
Go ahead and have a giant South-Africa, with all the niceties that come with bigotry and backwardness.
We 21st Century people would like to go on with history.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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