various commenters #transphobia

( Committing_Tervery )
What would you say to TIMs in person if retaliation & violence were not a threat?
I just had this thought, and am wondering your answers.

This is just stuff I might consider saying if I saw an AGP on the street and could walk by without being screamed at in response.

“Nice prostate, bro.”

“Man, it takes a lot of balls for a dude to go out in public looking like that.” 🤣🤣🤣

“Terfs are stunning & brave! 😌”

I know this is probably seen as “petty” by some, but I don’t care. Humor is a release and coping mechanism. And I don’t feel bad about fantasizing saying this shit to men who literally threaten to rape, torture, gas, and curb stomp us.


“Wash your hair!”

“You’ll never be a woman/girl/female.”

“You’ll never look like an anime child.”



( KittyWhawWhaw )
Leave women the fuck alone.

I don’t care what they think they are or what they want to do as long as it doesn’t harm others or try to police other people’s thoughts.

No one owes them validation for their delusions and usurping what we’ve accomplished.

( Hollyhock )
That first line is always my first thought. I still have a 'live and let live' mentality for most people. But, just LEAVE WOMEN AND CHILDREN ALONE. Like, go be your fetished self in your community or whatever. Make your own clubs, wear your shit to adult venues. I don't care. but leave us alone. stay out of spaces intended for women only.

( caraba1961 )
But how would you know that this particular person, a stranger you encountered on the street, was not leaving women the fuck alone? For that matter, how would you know what type of TIM he was, especially if his outfit wasn't too over the top? Doesn't seem fair to make that assumption just because someone's walking past you and isn't saying or doing anything to you or to anyone else. Now, if he were harassing a woman or being a complete asshat, it'd be different.

( Kriegerin )
Would you say the same about a man in blackface? "Maybe he's not mocking black people" uhmmmmmm

( danaseilhan )
He's literally pretending to be a woman. Until I see the "nice" ones publicly protesting gender policy en masse to reverse the damage done, IDGAF how "nice" they are.

( hmimperialtortie )
If he’s crossdressing in public he’s parading his fetish. That’s not leaving women alone, that’s making unconsenting women participants.



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