The biggest lie is that we are in an endless universe.
As soon as they found out we couldn't leave whatever the hell we're on they spent literally trillions on the lie that is space. Star wars and star trek to brainwash you into a false idea of space. Fake space races. Fake moon landings. Fake iss. Nasa literally means to decieve.
We are created. By who or what no fucking clue. But this world is a perfect creation. We are the center of it. The sun and moon are close and small. Not millions of miles away and it's ridiculous anyone really believes that when you can observe how small and close they are.
Any time lapse video of a camera pointed up at the sky shows everything revolves perfectly around us. The occult math isn't science. All their lies are obvious and I don't know why so many people are too stupid to see thru all this bullshit.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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