Clara Lander #racist

We were the only white people there. Although we didn’t feel threatened, we felt that something was terribly wrong. It made me sad to think that England would one day no longer be England, and Scotland no longer Scotland, and I couldn’t fathom why any country would voluntarily do this to itself. I have come to view multiculturalism not as part of the progression of humanity, but as an ethnic cleansing of the original population. A people without a racial consciousness and a love for their own will simply be overwhelmed and absorbed by the multi-culture.

One day my youngest son came home from primary school and confidently told me that the only difference between people was the amount of melanin in their skin. It was obvious that we were being prepared for a demographic shift. One afternoon I attended a family gathering on my husband’s side. His nephew was engaged and we were all going to meet the bride’s parents. I asked her English father what had brought him to New Zealand. In his Cockney accent, he went into a tirade about how immigrants in the UK were lavished with all manner of benefits and prioritized over the indigenous whites, who were stuck footing the bill. He eventually got so disgusted with the situation that he moved to New Zealand. International white flight.

In the wake of Brenton Tarrant’s rampage, all New Zealanders were urged to take responsibility for their own racism. I don’t believe the outpouring of grief shown from New Zealanders has been paralleled by Muslims in the aftermath of an Islamic attack in Europe. The love that other races have for their own, shown through their open advocacy for their respective “communities,” becomes more obvious the more multicultural our countries become. Today I embrace the natural love I have for my people and no longer struggle with the mental gymnastics that only white people must contort themselves with to conclude that if we prefer to live amongst our own people and put their interests first, we are “racist.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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