wereqryan & BummerDrummer #psycho #racist #sexist incels.is

JFL Sheboon brutally beats up white bitch (who has a daughter with some deadbeat Tyrone) and bloodies her face. :)


I'd bet that the victim's father was not in her life. She obviously never heard the talk about race mxing which is why the baby in the picture is 1/2 negro. The white bitch asked for this kind of abuse when she became part of this black "community", that is why she had her half black daughter in a black neighborhood in a cheap restaurant with black workers and patrons. This white bitch mistakenly thought that she would get a pass because she dates black men, but doesn't understand that for the rest of her life she will have a sign around her neck that says "you got it coming" in the black community. As you saw in the video, she is not equipped for the violence and abuse coming her way. A strong father would have guided her down a different path in life. Her only hope now is to get out of this culture and try to raise her daughter in a community where cucked simping white men open the door for a lady to exit on her two feet as a sign of good manners, not being dragged through the door by her hair by a person who's culture says this is a reasonable response to a disagreement

Lifefuel jfl. Look at the ((((white)))) foids black eyebrows and dyed blonde hair. Jfl. They should have killed her right then and there and then got the baby too.

I hope this white woman-and any white liberal in a nigger area-go through something like this. Getting attacked by a black person or a group of blacks in an area of blacks either not doing anything or helping your attacker while you get beat to a pulp by the race you’ve been traitoring and kvetching for.



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