Noel Joshua Hadley #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy

But now I believe I’m finally onto something. Any investigation into the mud flood theory will inevitably lead to the orphan asylum.

Whoa—Whoa—Whoa, you say. “Mud flood theory—again?”
Beginning in the 1840’s, a swelling influx of foundlings—children without one or both parents—were handed over to the State. Hundreds of thousands of children. The abandonment of babies became so commonplace that asylums were established in every major city. There were post office boxes where you could literally drop your child off. No questions asked.

This isn’t merely the tale of developing social welfare programs. Sure, the Orphan Train may have received a lot of press, but the narrative extends far beyond that little untold nugget of Americana. In the nineteenth-century, foundlings were relocated all over the world. Russia. Australia. Canada. Really, pick a continent. Any country. Children were sent there to repopulate in a post mud-flood world. And most of them still had a living parent.
See, we read about the first fallen women in the Book of Enoch. Divine-beings, which Hebrew Scripture calls the Watchers, took human wives and bore giant children with them. The disembodied spirits of those giants became the very demons whom Yahushua would cast out. The Watchers were sentenced to a prison term of seventy generations, by which time they were to be released upon the earth. I’ve done the math. Their probation likely occurred sometime in the mid or early 19th century—beginning of the end days. This appears to have caused a human reset, and may in fact coincide with a worldwide mud flood event. When I talk about reset, I am inciting what has already provably happened in the Soviet Union a hundred years ago. The architects of Communism successfully rewrote history for those whom they beguiled. In the decades to follow, her citizens inhabited what psychologists have coined a false-memory syndrome, not quite unlike the Mandela Effect today.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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