Ariel (@Prolotario1) #crackpot #ufo #quack #wingnut #conspiracy

Allegedly beneath the Gigafactory in Sparks, Nevada, Elon Musk’s Tesla harbors a clandestine bio-tech arm operating on a sub-level known only to a select cadre of engineers and high-clearance operatives designated “Level Theta-9.” It appears this isn’t about electric cars or solar panels; it’s a full-on plunge into quantum bioengineering, where Med-Bed prototypes are being forged with tech that fuses Tesla’s cutting-edge lithium-ion battery systems, plasma containment fields, and neural interface advancements borrowed from Neuralink’s brain-machine integration experiments.

These beds, codenamed “Erebus Regenerators,” are built for elite clients think billionaires with cybernetic implants, DARPA-funded super-soldiers with prosthetic limbs, and off-world operatives returning from Mars missions with radiation-damaged tissues. The setup uses a toroidal plasma generator, powered by a miniaturized zero-point energy core (rumored to be sourced from a defunct black project in Area 51), emitting a 12-tesla magnetic field that stabilizes cellular regeneration while syncing with neural implants to rewrite synaptic pathways.
This isn’t for the public it’s a playground for the ultra-rich and military elite, with whispers of Musk testing it himself to counter cellular degradation from his relentless work pace. We’re not supposed to know the beds are already operational, or that they’ve got a backlog of 47 clients waiting, including a Saudi prince with a failing robotic liver.

Interesting information isn’t it? I wonder how accurate it is? I guess we will find out won’t we?

Wink & Nod: Look at the Gigafactory’s power grid logs from June 2023 publicly available via Nevada Energy filings if you dig deep enough. There’s an unexplained 1.2-gigawatt spike, lasting 72 hours, that Tesla claimed was a “battery stress test.” No battery production line needs that kind of juice for that long it matches the energy signature of a toroidal plasma generator running a full regeneration cycle.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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