Lex Greene #wingnut #conspiracy newswithviews.com

In a free nation, your Natural Rights are far too numerous to number. For most of our 247-year history, Americans were born into these basic concepts, and millions came from around the world, leaving behind the destruction of tyrannical socialist and communist governments, in pursuit of the same freedoms every American was once born into.
For the record, equality and equity are not the same things. In fact, they are polar opposites. Equality means everyone is treated the same, no matter race, creed, or color. Equity is a Marxist term, meaning a superior power (.gov) will decide your station in life, for benefit of another. It’s overt Marxism…

Making matters much worse, as America now exists in a greatly weakened state, ripe for the plucking, Global Nazi Groups like the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and International Monetary Fund have set their sites upon the final destruction of the USA and all independent sovereign nations. They launched the global movement to destroy freedom via their maniacal COVID 19 Great Reset.

Even worse is the fact that almost every major American corporation is a global partner in the plot to destroy freedom everywhere on earth. Their motto for YOUR future… is “YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY…” which means, they will own everything, and they will define happy for you.

In 2024, every American will face the same decision… AMERICA FIRST (or) AMERICA GONE!

Personality politics are no longer relevant. All that matters now is the future of freedom, here in the USA and anywhere else on earth. The global Marxists will either succeed in ending the USA and freedom everywhere, under their One World Order at the command and control of global Nazi Klaus Schwab and his minions – or… the American people will finally cast off all past political propaganda aimed at dividing in order to conquer, and vote AMERICA FIRST!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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