GraceHoward1729, pegasusknight & samsdat #transphobia

RE: I'm not a TERF because...

( GraceHoward1729 )
I am a TERF. Trangenderism-exclusionary, as I know transgenderism to be antithetical to feminism. Just as prostitution is, as surrogacy is, as pornography is, and as the criminalisation of safe abortion for all women is. All these being antithetical to feminism does not mean that feminism does not include prostituted women, women in surrogacy camps who have had their baby taken from them, women exploited in pornography, and women held hostage by the cult of transgenderism. In fact, you could argue that feminism is for them.

Feminism isn't a club where a group of people can choose who is 'deserving' of freedom and who to exclude and include. All women are included in feminism by virtue of it being feminism, regardless of what nonsensical name they call themselves.

But feminism does not promote transgenderism, as feminism is for gender abolition, not imprisoning people for not believing in a pink soul.

( pegasusknight )
I don’t think TERFs are anti-trans. Most (all?) people here don’t want harm to come to them and want them to be able to live their lives in peace. The problem is when they encroach on the rights and safety of women and children.

( samsdat )
I’m not anti-people - I want trans-identified people to have the same rights we all do - but I am absolutely anti-trans-ideology.

The idea that “liking pink” or “being sensitive” or fapping to the idea of yourself as a woman makes you a woman or that “not feeling like all those other girls” or preferring pants over skirts makes you a man is abhorrent to me. The entire ideology is rooted in deep misogyny in both directions, and I am anti-misogyny, therefore I am anti-trans-ideology.

I don’t want to control what people wear or what they masturbate to or what they do in private with other consenting adults, even if I find it misogynist or loathsome, but I absolutely am against the fact that people twisting reality based on their emotions and “gender feels” have so much power over law and society today.

I am a free speech absolutist*, because I believe that abhorrent ideas can only be countered if they’re out in the open, but that means I get the right to argue against those ideas. And if there are going to be laws on speech, they should come down on the side of objective reality, but they should still be minimal.




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