Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
Tulsi Gabbard has left the Democratic party, calling out rampant anti-White racism and the elitist warmongering cabal that now controls the party.

But she's not the only one.

The Democrat platform has simply become too extreme for America.

I commend @TulsiGabbard's courage.

@DrPaulGosar @TulsiGabbard

Tulsi cannot be trusted.
Anyone associated with the WEF,

@DrPaulGosar @TulsiGabbard still a 'wolf in sheep's clothing'!! #WEF #SorosGirl

@DrPaulGosar @TulsiGabbard is it courage or self preservation? A lot of them are running now because its apparent the gallows are drawing closer every day.

@DrPaulGosar please do not promote her. This is the biggest case of a wolf in sheeps clothing I have ever seen. She will run third party and enough Rs will vote for her to split the vote

@RightWingNutSquads @DrPaulGosar good. Imagine simping for a party that hates you. At least she acknowledges anti-white racism exists, Republicans won't even admit that whites exist.

@DrPaulGosar @TulsiGabbard I too commend her, but that doesn't mean I trust her.... she's a Christ denier!!
Prayin' for her!! ✝️🤲🏾🙏🏾🛐



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