Spencer_Shayy #transphobia ovarit.com
The myth of the ‘trans brain’ - spiked
There's nothing "cruel" about calling a bloke in a wig a bloke in a wig, let's get that out there right now. I'm tired of this "reminding "trans" people of reality hurts their feelings!" Crap even from those who are against gender ideology. I dont give a single fucking shit if someone who denies reality is upset by reality. I don't. And nobody else should care either.
"It's not as if political candidates have to undergo brain scans - a fact for which the Green Party should be eternally grateful."
It's so interesting to me that self-proclaimed advocates for women push the same old misogynistic pseudoscience, just with different packaging!
You're not a women's advocate if you believe in "gender identity". Period. No debate. The end.
I like the breakdown of the study "trans" people and their allies are always touting. The fact that the researchers were incredibly biased and it was influencing their work, the blatant homophobia of ignoring the fact that these "transsexuals" were clearly homosexuals when they brought their same sex partners to the clinic, not controlling for sexual orientation OR the long term effects of estrogen on a male body... it's all such bad science.
The Swedish assholes also didn't control for sexuality! They blew make pheromones over the "transwomen's" faces and some part of their brain lit up - they can't be homosexual and attracted to men like most women are, no, somehow, this means they're women inside men's bodies!
This blatant homophobia was used at Tavistock in 1997. It's the reason behind the Dutch protocol. It's the reason gay and gender non conforming kids are now being sterilized and mutilated in the name of "gender affirming care". The researchers even ADMIT (behind closed doors and only to medical experts) that the study is essentially meaningless and has never been replicated, but they'll still push it in public and rave that it's "proof" that "transgender" is real.
THIS is why there's no good intentions behind gender ideology. THIS is why there's no such thing as a good "trans" person. THIS is why nobody who supports the idea of "gender identity" is moral or decent.