Henry Makow PhD #sexist #wingnut #racist #conspiracy henrymakow.com

International Women's Day ( March 8) is a longtime Communist propaganda tool. What does it say when an official Soviet holiday is enshrined in our mainstream culture? Clearly, Communism isn't dead; it has just morphed into other forms like Feminism, CRT, BLM and Woke.

It confirms Norman Dodd's famous claim that Ford Foundation President Rowan Gaither told him, in 1954, that the agenda was to "socially engineer" US life so that "that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union" as part of banker-controlled world government.

Every year the supposedly capitalist media echo the old Soviet bromides about women's oppression, and every year I post this rebuttal.

"Women's Day" pretends to celebrate women but the poster near my Winnipeg home shows an ugly, surly shrew brandishing a hammer. She looks demonically possessed. The caption reads, "if I only had a hammer.."

She'd what? Hit men over the head? Tear down society?
Through its feminist surrogate, Communists have stripped women of a secure and honored social identity as wives and mothers and made them workers and sexual commodities, hostages to the economy, psyops like the caronahoax and the ravages of age.

Obviously, this day is not about recognizing women for their grace, beauty, charm, and intelligence. It is about cultivating a false sense of grievance and entitlement in order to manipulate them.

They used the same tactic with Jews, Blacks, students and workers and harnessed these groups to their agenda. The ultimate goal is to concentrate all wealth and power in the Illuminati (Masonic) central banking cartel which is colonizing the whole world. The real meaning of "change the world" is the establishment of a totalitarian New World Order.

International Women's Day is hate against women and society perpetrated by the traitorous banker colonial establishment, which includes most "feminist" politicians, educators and the mass media. Women who participate are dupes and "useful idiots."



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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