Peter B. Meyer #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Lucifer’s rebellion, as described in older scriptures, took place long before the earth was created. EA in this sense is Lucifer, while ENLIL is Satan, who also rebelled against the forces of light, and both were cast out of ‘heaven’, read Orion, by ‘Archangel Michael’, who of course must have been an Aryan warrior, or perhaps the symbol of a whole Aryan elite force?

Lucifer was simply an advocate of “self-assertion and freedom”. His manifesto was to teach humanity that the Goddess did not exist, which became more prominent after the Flood as different religions took shape.

Eventually the religion of worship or devotion to the Mother Goddess was outlawed or ridiculed and spiritual darkness reigned on Earth.

If people who possessed the fire were free to practice their religion, it could clearly become a threat to authority. Therefore, the knowledge of the Women of Fire and the original purpose of the human experiment became extremely hidden, known only to a select few on a need-to-know basis.

At some point during the Atlantean era, EA left Earth and went back to the Pleiades to take some of his loyal officers back to Earth with him. In the Pleiades he showed them holograms of what life was like on Earth, and that he wanted to use the Lyran/Pleiadian DNA to further advance humanity.

When some of the Pleiadians saw how beautiful these Women of Fire were, and women in general, they said, “Let’s go down there and have sex!

So, instead of just contributing their DNA directly to EA while they were in the Pleiades, 199 Pleiadians followed EA back to Earth to have sex with human women, but also to help EA with his genetic experiments. These were the 200 Fallen Angels, including EA. They are the ‘Watchers’ mentioned in the ‘Book of Enoch’.

Fortunately, the 5D world will become the new earth, the 3D sleepers will move to another 3D planet.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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