Aita Channeling Her Higher Self #magick #ufo #conspiracy #elitist
You are so alone, so lonely, so unique in your understanding and thought system. You, who came to earth to lift the vibration of the planet from its deep entrainment into darkness and negativity, you are now in this world but no longer of this world.
Human souls came to the earthly hologram to experience just this aloneness, this desperate feeling of not being whole, not being good enough.
For the nature of this low frequency plane is that our egos tell us that however skewed our thinking may be, that biased understanding is, in fact correct. And so as each person sees the world in a unique and narrow way.
Brother is set against brother, mother against daughter, son against father. Family values, education, religion, politics, color, national pride and medical belief systems separate each from the other.
It is challenging indeed to be a human being. Only the very bravest souls come to earth to refine their nature, to develop the depths of their souls understanding of the great source, the great electro magnetic power of love that runs the spiritual and material realm by experiencing the opposite of that love.
And you, our dear ones, the saviors of the world, are the bravest of the brave. For this earthly schoolroom had reached such a low and fearsome level of vibration that, without your help it could no longer survive. Mankind were about to become automatons and end the world in a holocaust.
Yes, be of good cheer. Love love love, dear ones. You know who you are, the divine in manifestation in a body, in a communication vehicle. You know what you are, You are a creator and you create as the great creator creates through thought, word and manifestation.
You know how you serve, by the amount of light and love you radiate into the world. And the light and love that emanates from you is saving the world. Challenging time indeed dear friends, but indeed so worth while.
Champagne corks are popping in heaven as your return is being celebrated.