various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #biphobia #transphobia

(submitters note: in response to the Colorado Springs nightclub shooting )
( @WardenX2 )
Can't really deal with all the kvetching over the Colorado sodomy bar shooting when no one gave a shit about a bunch of little white girls getting run over by an anti-white maniac in Wisconsin.

( @JohnWick014 )
@WardenX2 Don't forget the murdered dancing grandmas.

I have zero fucks for any faggot or tranny or pedo that gets sent to hell.

( @Based_Honkler )
@WardenX2 Hell, I couldn't stop laughing.

( @CandiceMathers )
There must be another "anti lynching law" that is on the roster for a vote but for the LGB whatever mob. Hence the psych ops "operation BS for gun control".
Don't forget this happened before with Orlando's Gay bar.

( @Dubious_pug )
@WardenX2 to be honest. Even if they had cared about White children getting ran over in Wisconsin... I still wouldn't care about the sodomy club shooting.

( @katietardie )
@WardenX2 I have turned off the news recently and come to GAB for whats going on-didn’t hear about it and really don’t care about the freaks.

( @citizenKIN )
@WardenX2 Considering that the actual investigators are still silent on the motive, he could have very well been a disgruntled fag himself. Many such cases.

( @EmilyDeasmhumhain )
@citizenKIN @WardenX2 I don't have a problem with sodomites killing each other and themselves 😊😊

( @BGKB )
@WardenX2 The gay bar shooting had an All Ages Drag Show

For DEAD TRANNY day of remembrance NOV 20

:honk: Don't get in drag queens faces, they smell bad. stay at long rifle range :honk:
An AK-47 can hit the broad side of a barn from inside the barn but a mosin nagant can hit the broad side of a TRANNY 2 counties away

Pick up your brass / shell casings , littering is for latinos & blacks



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