yikerinos #crackpot #sexist incels.is
jfl most men are depressed as fuck
this society isn't normal. we're used to it, and also most people are trying to hide it, but look closely and pay attention boyos, because:
most men are DEPRESSED, that's how bad life is for a non gigachad male
meanwhile, women's egos are through the roof
ugly women still get lots of attention from ugly guys, and they have the highest egos as a result. stacies are ironically a bit more humbled, because gigachad doesn't respond to their texts, but they still hate ugly males and take out their frustration on ugly males
even chads are simping for average women these days. its gigachad only out there. average foids have several chads to choose from, available to them anytime, but those chads still get laid at least
for average males its OVER. not only do they never get laid, they're also lonely, and extremely abused by society, subtly treated like they're disgusting but in a way that slowly destroys them inside. i say they bc im referring to the bluepilled ones, im blackpilled so for me its different as i know its not my fault at least
there's nowhere near as many depressed men as there should be. most have created some horrendous mental contraption in their heads, that takes in nothing but bad feedback and unpleasant events and romantic deprivation, and somehow still turns it all into optimism, energy and "can-do" spirit i can't even imagine how fucked up your mind must be if you're like that
high IQ