universallyabhorred #sexist incels.is
Women Have Started To Look Like The Evil, Demonic and Otherworldy Creatures They are to me
I think there's a glitch in this matrix and only I am seeing it. Women have started to appear disgusting and frightening, even the beautiful ones that I seemed to be attracted to previously now seem repulsive to me. They seem so useless and worthless they fill me with contempt and anger. I cannot understand why these horrible creatures are allowed to roam free, why they are considered so pretty and lovely.
Even indicators of beauty now seem as artiificial as they are, I can see through the layers of fakeup, even the once appealing curvaceous form of a female now appears as a stunted weaker version of a man. Breasts look like unnaturally swollen balloons and ass, is boring and of course it's cunt looks like a predators mouth, disgusting and unappealing. While I still fap to females, I no longer gain any enjoyment from it, seems just like a quick release.
These creatures are so dumb, disgusting and evil looking, and have no redeeming qualities at all. Their eyes are soulless, empty and animalistic, their personalities are boring, annoying and simplistic, and even their one asset is overrated and hardly worth the effort. I wish they'd all just cease to exist, they are truly unworthy of life and should just be eliminated.