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Re: I recommend you to read some female only forums

Lately I've been lurking at different female forums and subreddits like r/RedPillWomen or r/FemaleDatingStrategy or r/trufemcels. Pill mines. Blackpills, suipills, you name it.

"I know some guys have creepy incel vibes around them, but how do we put it in words?". "Can you imagine, I don't have sex with my husband for 3-4 days." The most harmless examples, but I can bet, you already feel it, fellow.

Women are so cute, I simply can't hate them. We live in completely different worlds.

So, what I want to say is... check them out if you haven't already. Female only forums are fascinating, educational and will provide you with blackpills better than any incel forum out there.

I remember back a year ago when this sub got some notoriety it got filled with roastoids coming in wanting to talk to us, and every single one of them ended up proving what we said. One I remember in particular was a girl who said she was dating an unattractive man, in an attempt to prove us wrong, but if you checked out her account you saw she was covered in tattoos and posted nudes. Totally satisfied with her ugly bf, totally not related at all to the fact that she constantly seeks attention online. She deleted all her posts here after I pointed that out. Nasty stank hoes, the lot of them. SMH.

Just like you said, the biggest blackpill is just observing women.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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