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RE: The End of the Transgender Craze is Near

So long as humanity exists, the adherents of gender identity religion will proselytize and indoctrinate new members into their belief system

The concept of gender identity is not novel; rather, it finds its antecedents in ancient societies that ascribed "third genders" to people who did not conform to traditional gender norms

Modern transgenderism, bearing similarities to its predecessors, has adopted an even more contentious form, demonstrating the potential for these beliefs to become increasingly detached from empirical reality

It is with a sense of pessimistic resignation that I recognize the enduring prevalence of absurd, religious beliefs. The human mind is prone to superstition. It attempts to discern some semblance of purpose and significance within the purposeless, insignificant expanse of existence. Some form of gender identity belief system will endure, metamorphosing and (d)evolving with the passage of time



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