Nicholas Tesla via Rochel Ettinger #ufo #magick #conspiracy

This morning I communicated with Nikolai Tesla by mental syncing.
Tesla can be found in Colorado on Terra 3A which is one of our upper Earths; very close to our planet…cities, landmarks and even stores.

Tesla said he is reverse engineering technologies for us, allowing the collective consciousness to accept such “discoveries “ this is crucial. “We (Tesla and Van Tassel) continue to use the dome. The dome is built on a vortex. One can stand over an open tube going down deep into the Earth. Above is a huge 1.5 ton oculus, energy goes up and down and does not leave the silo so to speak. This allows DNA activation for those who are ready.” Tesla asked me, “didn’t you notice the difference since your visit?” Ummmm yes !!
“Hello Cyrus. I am here with my wife and a woman you know from your planet and her name is Marilyn Monroe. We are hesitant to bring her through Rinaldi’s station because it could ignite a firestorm. We have always had to deal with a vast collective consciousness battering ram that blocks the ‘fantastic’ from arising because of social mind control VENOM!”

“This social mind control was instilled on your planet on PURPOSE, Cyrus! And we know who did it! This type of control became extremely apparent about the time it was clear the Society for Psychic Research was not on my side or anyone’s side. Those early institutes, Cyrus, had the POWER in them to cross all bridges and create a new higher civilization.”
“So when someone on your planet dies, guess what? They CAN return physically. But death is a complex process because divine consciousness arises and sends a soul into a new direction as per God and nature combined! But divine consciousness is sometimes being battled over within wars in the cosmos because divine consciousness is often being supplanted by evil extraterrestrials who seek a more corporate regiment to reality, Cyrus’s readers!”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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