Andrew Anglin #psycho #wingnut #sexist #racist #homophobia
[From the article "7 Creative Uses for Right-Wing Death Squads in America"]
As we know, Donald Trump is going to be the law and order president.
We also know that he recently praised Rody Duterte for his campaign of using Right-Wing Death Squads to slaughter drug dealers and addicts on the streets.
Republicans are hoping that the President will implement a similar program here in America to clean up the streets.
However, RWDS have many uses beyond just eliminating drugs from society.
7. Artists and Musicians
No one is more deserving of the old “double tap” than degenerate artists and musicians who are degrading our society with corrosive filth.
Passing laws to outlaw obscenity and blasphemy would be time consuming and expensive. But such laws would not be needed if everyone committing these acts turned up dead on the street with signs around their necks reading “mammon.”
6. Filthy Sluts
One of the greatest challenges America is facing is filthy, lying sluts, who would just as soon have sex with a random black guy in a gas station bathroom as play a puzzle game on their cellphone. There is no group of people more deserving of swift and rapid extermination.
President Trump could send a decisive message about American Christian values by releasing RWDS on these dirty whores. Women would then think twice before spreading their legs, and instead return to the kitchen and shut their lying whore mouths.
5. Liberal University Professors
Youth today is sick and degenerate. Arguably, the biggest contributor to this is the liberal university elite.
Sending in the military to shut down universities, arrest everyone and restructure by putting people from the internet in charge would be costly and time consuming. A quick fix with permanent results would be to target the most extreme offenders and let the rest of them know that they’d better clean up their act and stop turning our kids into communists.
4. Legal Immigrants
President Trump will have no problem removing illegal immigrants. However, through fraud, the Jews have brought in many, many brown sludge “people” through “legal” means. These people are harder to get rid of, as changing laws can be boring and time consuming.
It is hard to legally deport a person with legal status to be in the country, but you know what isn’t hard to deport? A bullet-riddled corpse. You can deport it six feet under ground with nothing more than a shovel and some elbow grease.
3. Human Rights Activists
Whinorities, feminists, homosexuals and vegans have been a thorn in the side of great men for generations with their disgusting street protests. This issue has reached fever pitch as of late with these whining scumbags blocking traffic and making people late for work.
If human rights activist leaders get rode up on by a man on a Kawasaki with a Glock 18 on their way out of the co-opt, no one is going to cry for them other than those who were already crying about something else.
2. Political Opponents
One of the biggest problems in politics is that other politicians sometimes disagree with your political decisions and try to stop your agenda. The thing is, they can’t disagree if they’re lying in the gutter filled with .40 caliber hollowpoints.
A smart usage of RWDS against political opponents could make President Trump’s sailing a whole lot smoother.
1. Lying Journalists
There is no bigger threat to freedom than lying journalists. These diabolical rascals threaten to upend the entire social order with their filthy lies.
But of course, suing them is time-consuming and expensive, even after we open-up the libel laws. Thankfully, a quicker solution exists with RWDS.
Editor’s note: This is in no way a call for violence or murder. This is a policy position paper in the form of a listicle. The Daily Stormer is opposed to violence, and simply supports the practical implementation of innovative policies which will lead to a great America.