GermaniaIncelia #conspiracy #crackpot #sexist
Serious Foids are misanthropist genocidal maniacs
You might think that Hitler or Mao were enemies of humankind, but in comparison to foids they were extremely moderate. Let's be generous, let's say the pareto principle of 80/20 holds and not the more realistic model of 99/1. Women would still want 80% of men dead, gone from the face of the earth because they view them as subhumans. 80% of men translates to 40% of human population. Foids literally want at least 40% of the human population gone.
A gigantic contrast to people like Hitler who merely targeted minor ethnic groups. The total ethnic jewish world population was at 17 million in 1940, with a world population at the time of 2.34 billion, which means the jews Hitler targeted were at most a 0.7% of the world population if he made no exceptions. And even if you add further groups up like the gypsies, you don't get much higher.
According to mainstream views of politics, foids would fall under the far-right extremist category and Hitler would be a moderate centrist.
Women don't want 80% of men dead.
don't forget your medicine bro :bluepill:
Sub-8 theory isn't true, that's not bluepilled, that's a fact. 6 and 7 out of ten guys still have sex, they still have relationships and they lead normal lives. Again, we are the minority, the majority of males aren't incels.
that's even more bluepilled than your previous statement. the majority of men are incels or at the very least borderline incels but just not aware of it.