aloe_vera #moonbat #sexist #transphobia

What lessons have you learned from the transgender craze?

Ever since I have peaked and discovered radical feminism, I feel like I have found a community of women that I can actually agree with. My negative feelings in regards to feminism in general was born out of my disgust in how the liberal feminists were selling out fellow women and convincing us that being reduced to sex objects is empowering. I am thankful for the feminists who fought for single sex spaces. I had never thought about how valuable our bathrooms are, how much impact single sex spaces have in women's safety.

I feel sad that our voices are being silenced and that little by little they are taking our rights away, but I have hope that eventually the gender bubble will burst. I believe that people will see through the farce and will be horrified that we let things get so far. The medical institutions, the corporations, the government and the media will have to answer for their crimes against children, women and detransitioners.

Personally, I have learned that:

Feminism is not a dirty word, it has just been bastardized.
Women need their single sex spaces. It's imperative to be overprotective of them.
Laws and rules made to keep women safe should not be abolished to protect men's feelings.
Kink-shaming can be useful and actually good.
Things can get out of control very quickly when no one puts a boundary.
We should not enable mental illness and delusions.
We should not censor someone just for having a "wrong" opinion. As long as they are able to discuss it respectfully, we should let them participate. If someone is censoring people who disagree with them, it means that the opposition may have good arguments that they don't want you to hear.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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