Anna Von Reitz #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

We shall attempt to put this as plainly as possible for Americans and for everyone else.

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was deceitfully put forward for election as "a" President, not The President of this country.

People were deceived by the substitution and elected a "President" of the United States of America, Incorporated, a British Territorial Municipal Corporation, instead of electing The President of The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States, nor even as President of our American Subcontractor, the States of America, also known as the Federal Republic.

Thus, Lincoln was elected under False Pretenses and under conditions of purposeful non-disclosure and semantic deceit--- and fraud.
1862 prepared the ground for The Great Fraud and the rampant personage and barratry crimes that would be inflicted by Rome and London for a century and a half afterward.

Thanks to these illegal, immoral, and unlawful acts undertaken under conditions of deliberate deceit, treason, and usurpation, millions of acres of our land were used as payola and to pay British debts and to wrongfully bring American land under the British Title and Trust System.

And just as the Brits were required to live their lives as either Indentured Servants or as Slaves in the British-Roman Caste System --- that is, as legally "dead" people, the groundwork was laid to do the same thing to millions upon millions of Americans.

It comes as a shock to living people when we forthrightly tell them that all the "persons" inhabiting the International Jurisdictions of the Land and the Sea and the Global Jurisdiction of the Air, are dead legal entities, yet no more crucial understanding is needed than this.
So even as we were being set up as the Fall Guys for Britain and Rome, even as we have endured the heavy bootheels of the British Raj in American drag, we haven't failed humanity.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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