/There is great deception in America... civil rights. Many moral right's issues are deceitfully being labeled as "civil rights." Thus, many moral right's issues are being violated in the name of "civil rights."/
Says the fellow who is probably white Anglo-Saxon Protestant, upper middle-class, heterosexual, and male, and thus has never had to struggle for anything.
/Listen, just because you're a U.S. citizen doesn't give you the right to disobey God./
Correction: Just because you're a U.S. citizen doesn't give you the obligation to believe in God. Earth to David, the U.S. is not a Christian country. It is a secular one with freedom of religion. So, I don't think the majority of U.S. citizens care about disobeying your God.
/For example: Being a U.S. citizen gives you the "right" to vote; but, it does not give you the right to be homosexual./
Because homosexuality is a choice. Because homosexuals are such self-loathing masochists that they willingly choose to be persecuted, spat upon, and derided for being different. Nobody needs the "right" to be homosexual any more than anybody needs the "right" to be heterosexual, or black, or Asian, or Middle-Eastern. You are what you are, and no law can change that.
/I don't care what the Supreme Court says,/
You should, since they decide whether the laws of the land are constitutional and thus acceptable to practice.
/the Word of God condemns homosexuality./
Sorry, but our country is not founded upon the Word of God. It is founded upon the Constitution. And nowhere in the Constitution does it ever mention anything about homosexuality.
/America is filled with demented homosexuals/
How do you know that they're all demented? Besides, I doubt any of them could be as demented as you.
/and murderous abortionists/
Is "abortionists" even a word?
/who boast of being respectable citizens, committing their sins with the government's permission; but, God will judge them for their sins (Romans 1:32)./
Again, the federal government doesn't care about the Bible's laws (for the most part). And not every American is Christian, so I doubt that some homosexuals and people who have abortions do, either.
/The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women./
Way to take a leap, David. What is it about then, pray tell?
/It is about a socialist/
Not all feminists are socialists.
Yeah, because a man having the ability to punch his wife's face in with no fear of consequences if she doesn't cook his dinner the right way is really pro-family.
/political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands/
Despite the fact that many feminists are happily married?
/kill their children/
If you're referring to abortion, the fetuses aren't children yet. And no, pro-choice does not mean that every single pregnant woman has to get an abortion. It means that they should have the choice to decide whether or not they want to keep the baby.
/practice witchcraft/
/destroy capitalism/
Yeah, because encouraging women to go out and work if they want to is really destroying capitalism. The country's top CEOs would be absolutely thrilled if half of their workforce all quit their jobs to stay home all day. *eyeroll*
/and become lesbians./
I'm a feminist and I'm straight. FAIL.