BettERtoreigninhell #psycho

Guns are not the great equalizer, black as lead pill to swallow

As I am getting sicker and older and rotteness is devouring my body I realize I can't compete in a fist fight duel anymore with younger, taller and fitter dudes. Now grant you I always go around armed with something and always ready to **** before they disonhour me but at what cost?

Even if you're an Americancel and always carry a 44 magnum in your jacket don't delude yourself of being able to truly mog a 21 years old 6'5 jocks who practice sports all day. He mogs you by the very fact that to humiliate and dominate you he just needs his fists. This means he can do whatever he wants with you but since at worst he will break you 2 ribs and your nose he's not risking anything more then 6 months of jail.

IF he's caught. IF the girls watching the scene don't testify against you in court. IF his father is not important and just pays for him whatever sum is needed. He destroyed you completely without losing anything.

On the other hand if you want to brutally humiliate him you will have to use fire guns and deadly force. You mogged him and his brain is splattered on the pavement as your figure stands over his dead body and her gf cries as you laugh evily.

But now you're fucked. He could mog you and get away with it tnx to his physical strength while you, being weaker than him, had to go all in and now you're gonna face prison for the next 20-30 years.

I already accepted this fate and I am ready to face the legal consequences but I am not bluepilled enough to consider whatever weapon I carry with me a great equalizer cause it isn't. It will only be a Phyrric victory where I put my pride before my freedom and future. Something the jock will never risk and in this you will never equalize shit no matter if you go around carrying a grenade launcher.



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