GodBTrue@yahoo.com #fundie #wingnut jesussaidwhat.com

The Seven Year Tribulation is not coming in some far off future, it has probably already started:
Global red communism is now reality:

Red communism came to America and thus the entire world in 2020 when the global rulers began the steal of the 2020 presidential election. The events of recent years have revealed the truth about the governments of Satan throughout the world. There is only one party in the United States. This is the same “political party” the world over. It is the bought and paid-for globalist/Chinese communist party. This party was created by extreme bribery, back-mail and corruption throughout all branches of government throughout the west.

Understand first of all that these globalist ten kings have risen to power over the last five decades by their betrayal of the western populations and their collaboration with China and Russia. These ten kingdom-less kings have more combined wealth than all of the western governments combined. They do not know nor would they believe that their grand reset plans mark the end of their rule. Not by any man's hands however, their digital ID/passport (social credit score) scheme is the "mark" of the beast and it doesn't matter that a man's name isn't tied directly to it yet because it will be soon enough. YOU BEST SEE IT FOR WHAT IT IS. That is the only reason He gave us the signs to look for. There is no doubt that a man's name will soon be tied to it but first, they must get it on as many as possible. These globalists and communists are clueless to the fact that they are playing key roles in end day's Prophecy. They are blind to truth and can only see greed and power. They honestly believe that they will have ample time to implement their will.

The globalist billionaires demand a ruling class consisting of them and their political minions. Everyone else whom remains after depopulation will be the peasant class to serve them, this is what socialism has always been about. Never in the history of man has a nation granted such freedom to the common people as America has and this "model" of government has been replicated throughout western nations. Well, folks "the Great American Experiment" is over. The elitists have had enough, and it is time to put us commoners BACK IN OUR PLACE. ​



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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