various commenters #wingnut #elitist
People cry "My bodymy choice" well I say
"Your student loan,
your payments."
@dan151 yeah...they took the loan knowing they'd have to pay it back. They signed on the dotted line. I got through on scholarships mostly cuz I couldn't afford tuition. There's a million to apply for. Many I received just because NO ONE else applied for them
@LizzyTiz @dan151 They gave you a scolaship because you have tits and vagina. You should thank Obama for that
@dan151 if someone kills normally some one else does not go to prison so why are democrats pushing this shit. Kicked my own ass many times going through the school of hard knocks. All education is paid for in some way. Don't put stuff in the shopping cart that you don't intend to pay for. If you do, then you go to jail for stealing, is there a difference??? Nobody pays my bills for me.
They way overcharge for tuition and sucker our students into signing up for loans so they can own them for the rest of their lives. That is the real problem folks.
@Bengalmom No, college is a CHOICE, no one is forced to go to college. There are lots of well paying jobs available by going the route of technical colleges. Tuition always goes up. My tuition nearly 30 years ago was $7K a semester and I paid every damn dime of it off via loans. So don't come crying about high tuition and loans, either you chose to go and pay your tuition through loans or you DON'T go and find another way to earn a living, simple as that.
@Bengalmom No, the problem is people like you who do not understand tuition is high because fools agree to pay those amounts. If everyone refused, the charges would drop, just like if real competition was allowed against the insane left indoctrination centers, aka colleges!
@dan151 For damned sure they are ! They're as irresponsible with THEIR debt as they are with THEIR PREGNANCIES !
@dan151 My body my choice. I don't want that lethal covid vax poison either.
@dan151 I'm all for devaluing University and College Education... Nelson Rockefeller is spinning supposedly in his grave
My wallet my choice