various commenters #transphobia #conspiracy

( KittyWhawWhaw )
Neo Nazis at Let Women Speak Melbourne
…Does anyone else find this suspicious in the extreme?

So not only do Neo Nazis suddenly care about women’s rights all of a sudden for some reason, but they do a cartoonish Nazi salute, and let TRAs grab at their flag without resorting to any violence against them?

What about all this speaks legit Neo Nazi to you?

We know that many TRAs have a “Nazi Phase”, to the point that you can even see them talking about it if you Google it.

Who would ever suspect that they use their Nazi connections to hire either real Neo Nazis or a bunch of TRAs pretending to be?

I’d say that this is conspiracy lunacy, but look at what else they’ve done. I wouldn’t put anything past them. And this is the perfect move to undermine Let Women Speak.

Everyone is a Nazi, according to these people. Is it really such a stretch to come up with this propaganda idea?

Article on the subject:

( Laila_Salem )
When I saw the photos and read how the police casually allowed them my first thoughts were well many "closeted " TIMs go to work on the military and police and similar careers.

Women should hire a detective agency to see who's really behind these people, cause now all the news is not about what was really said in the Let The Women Speak even but about these men.

( sunhatpat )
The Biden administration has recently put trans rights on the level of national security, thus paving the way for CIA or other covert infiltration into the politics of other nations. It would not surprise me AT ALL to learn that these so-called Nazis were actually mercenaries, funded by the CIA

( momjeans )
It's not lunacy. This is a common tactic used to discredit movements, especially when they seem to be gaining favor with the public. The conspiracy community has known this for a long time, so much so that it's a predictable and laughable trope.

It does dual duty. Not only does it smear & discredit a popular movement, but it also gives the gov & intelligence agencies a legitimate reason to crack down on emerging movements like Let Women Speak. Guilt by association.



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