@AussiegirlAnna #conspiracy #crackpot #magick gettr.com

This is what they are indoctrinating your kids with. This is the low vibrational 3D energy that they want to keep the world in as long as possible.

They want you to be godless, sexless, genderless, childless, depressed, anxious, afraid, fat, drug addicted, lonely, physically weak, mentally weak, in debt, isolated, living in a pod, eating bugs, and dependent on the state for everything.

Truth is the first step to freeing ourselves from the hologram reality, raising the collective consciousness of humanity so that we could move into the new 5D Earth.

Once humanity can identify the evil, we can surely get rid of it.

All my love to you good people,


Join @awakenedspecies



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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