“@Nature_and_Race absolutely. Niggers are way more violent and aggressive than any OTHER animal.”
Well, since Black people are people, that kinda fits. Humans ARE among the most violent and aggressive animals, especially to each other. (EDIT: We are a social species though. However, we are still prone to aggression.)
“There is no animal on earth that inflicts pain and suffering for pure pleasure the way the African hominid does.”
They…they really do think Black Africans are orcs from Lord of the Rings, don’t they?
Newsflash, OP, life isn’t like Dungeons and Dragons, certain races don’t have inbuilt moral and psychological traits.
“@Trop68 Just imagine a planet with nothing but NIGGERS on it.”
Since people like this believe in the One-Drop Rule, and all humans are descended from black Africans, NOW technically counts.
“@BumBee We don't have to imagine.. We can see exactly what it would be like in places that either have no Whites or where the niggers slaughtered all the Whites.”
Oh, it HAS to be the blacks, not, say, Europeans barely following geographic features when carving up Africa, much less ethnic ones, as well as sucking all the resources out and barely helping rebuild the country after decolonization, causing all sorts of problems down the line.
“@Nature_and_Race There were only 4 fatal Shark Attacks in the US in the 2020's.
Yes, being around sharks is a lot safer than being around Blacks.”
Then go jump into shark-infested waters, OP.
EDIT: I take that back. Sharks are actually neutral to humans except when they mistake them for prey. This man is Sharkphobic as well as racist.